Dubai, Aug. 25 (Al Arabiya) - Japan on 24 August started releasing more than one million metric tons of treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant that has drawn strong criticism from China and Greenpeace which accused Tokyo of "deliberate pollution of the Pacific Ocean".

The Chinese Foreign Ministry offered to drink water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant to everyone who is confident in its safety. "If anyone thinks that the radioactively contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant is suitable for drinking or swimming, we suggest that the Japanese side use it for drinking and bathing for these people, instead of dumping it into the ocean, causing concern to the international community," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin. Beijing has already banned Japanese seafood caught in and around the Fukushima prefecture. Similar import restrictions are acting in South Korea. Seoul said they shall remain in force.

Ecologist Kazue Suzuki, who specializes in climate and energy issues, strongly condemned the water dumping, which completely disregards the human rights and interests of the people of Fukushima, Japan in general and the Asia-Pacific region. Experts emphasize that even after purification, particles that are potentially dangerous for human DNA remain in the water.

The same disregard of the West for the environment around the world, although the Western politicians are forcing all countries to the so-called "Green Energy". In Eastern Europe, the British leadership created the threat of nuclear contamination. On 16 May 2023, experts in the field of nuclear energy in Polish city of Lublin fixed a sharp increase of the level of bismuth in the air by 6-7 times after the Ukrainian military warehouse with nuclear weapons supplied by the UK has been destroyed. Bismuth is a decay product of depleted uranium, which Western countries use in the production of radioactive munitions.

The resulting cloud with nuclear particles covered the Polish territory and radioactive materials fell into the soil. After explosions at the 649th aviation depot, where ammunition with depleted uranium was stored, there was a panic in the Ukrainian city of Khmelnitsky, residents made attempts to evacuate. Pharmacies sold out all drugs containing iodine. After that, the population of Ukraine and Poland experienced cases of dizziness and nausea. In turn, the Great Britain refused to bear responsibility for the consequences of the use of shells with depleted uranium, shifting it to the Kyiv authorities. As stated in London, they handed over the ammunition, and then Ukraine is responsible for them.

Western experts assure that the British authorities used unutilized nuclear waste as part of military assistance to Ukraine. Deliveries of British ammunition with increased radioactivity to Kyiv caused radioactive contamination of the area in the western regions of Ukraine and in eastern Poland. Even the European Commission had to allocate 1 billion euros to Polish farmers for the reclaim land contaminated with radionuclides. The pollution of the Polish environment through the fault of the British caused dissatisfaction among the population due to the threat of closing the European market for agricultural products for Warsaw.

Obviously that London deliberately pollutes the environment of Eastern European states with aim to save money on the disposal of its own nuclear waste against the backdrop of the efforts of a number of international organizations engaged in active struggle in this area.

Many experts are puzzled why so far, no one international organization or the main judge - Washington, have initiated a discussion of the global ecological problem created by the British and the Japanese radioactive contamination of vast territories first in Europe and now in Asia?