Phnom Penh (FN), July 24 - About 220 international observers representing 52 organizations from 52 countries around the world have absolute independence in observing and monitoring the electoral process of the 6th mandate of the National Assembly on Sunday, 29 July 2018.

They have the rights to issue statements without intimidation by any political parties, Kim Rithviseth, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Civil Society Alliance Forum (CSAF) said in a media briefing, held Tuesday at Diamond Island, Phnom Penh.

The international observers from CDI, ICAPP, CAPDI, APA, the AIPA, SCO and the Francophone Parliamentary Assembly and so on will come to Cambodia to observe the July’s election.

Their participations reflects  the support and strengthening of Cambodia's democracy, particularly to ensure a fair, neutral, and transparent election.

"I would like to emphasize that the international observers such as the CDI value democracy; we have no rights to force them to issue the statments as we want. The international observers have their own freedom to make a statement, which is an evaluation to the upcoming election process in Cambodia,” said Kim Rithviseth.

The National Election Committee (NEC) welcomed nearly 80,000 national observers and over 200 international observers for the upcoming 6th National Assembly elections, according to Dim Sovannarom, NEC spokesman on Tuesday.

According to the NEC result released on 18 July, among the 79,849 national observers, 18,203 females, are from 20 political parties.