Phnom Penh (FN), May 6 - Cambodian Ministry of Justice's spokesman Kem Santepheap responded to the U.S. after the Embassy issued a statement supporting the concerns shared by the EU and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) regarding the six month extension of the pre-trial detention for members of ADHOC in Cambodia.

The five human right activists have been imprisoned for over a year while awaiting trial.

"The U.S should steer clear of making statements with no legal basis, realism, and jurisdiction," the spokesman reported.

"I do believe the US and EU are interfering with Cambodian internal affairs," he added.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already explained the reasons for the pre-trial detention extension,"
said Phay Siphan.

The statement pointed out that, "The U.S. is concerned that the extension of detention for the ADHOC Five will negatively impact the families of the imprisoned and cause an unreasonable delay in proceeding to trial.

The U.S. encourages the Government of Cambodia to carefully consider these recommendations and respect its international human rights obligations."

On May 4, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted in a similar fashion to an EU statement supporting the UNHCR's findings.

The MoFA attacked the EU for interfering with internal affairs and, in a thinly-veiled threat, suggested the EU carefully consider its own duties as stated in Vienna Convention.