TOKYO, June 2 (Xinhua) -- The Japanese government on Friday expressed its regret over President Donald Trump's decision to remove the United States from the Paris climate accord although said it would continue to work with other stakeholders to combat climate change.

Japan's Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said that Japan was hoping to work closely with the U.S. within the frame work of the accord and as such Trump's announcement was disappointing.

"As Japan was hoping to work with the United States within the framework of the Paris agreement, the announcement by the U.S. administration on its withdrawal from the Paris agreement is regrettable," Kishida told reporters.

"Japan will work with other parties to the Paris agreement for its steady and full implementation to tackle the important issue of climate change," the foreign minister added.

Japan's top government spokesperson Yoshihide Suga said that climate change requires a global commitment and the leadership of developed countries.

"Climate change requires a concerted effort by the whole of the international community and Japan believes the leadership of the developed countries to be of great importance," said Suga.

"As the commitment by the United States to combat climate change is still important, we will seek the cooperation of the United States," added the chief cabinet secretary.

Environment Minister Koichi Yamamoto said the Paris accord may not be as effective without the United States.

"I am very disappointed, plus a little angry as Trump has turned his back on the wisdom of human beings," Yamamoto said.

The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe however has vowed to keep its pledge to cooperate with other countries and bring the 2015 accord into effect.

Trump has said the Paris accord is unfair for a number of reasons, one being that it will take jobs away from Americans. He believes the accord, made between around 200 countries to counter global warming, can be renegotiated.