Phnom Penh (FN), May 30 – Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, on Wednesday, reacted strongly to a politician's propaganda that claimed to solve people’s debt.

Although the premier did not specify the name of the politician, it was known to refer to the president of FUNCINPEC Party, Prince Norodom Ranariddh as he promised in a meeting with people in Takeo province on May 27, 2018 that he would solve people’s debt when he won the election.

Prime Minister regards such propaganda as a scam and warned to leak on Facebook the FUNCINPEC’s president written letter addressed to him to borrow $1,350,000 for political campaign.

"If the government could pay the people’s debt, why do they need to request for loan from foreign partners to build roads, canals, and hospitals?," he asked.

He reiterated that the politician's pledge to solve people's debts is a propaganda.