Phnom Penh (FN), May 30 – Addressing to 16,474 workers from 10 factories in Kandal Province on Wednesday, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reacted strongly to the political parties that have taken the monarchy as an exclusive right to do election’s campaign.

It is known to be a reflection of FUNCINPEC Party led by Norodom Ranariddh, which has often highlighted in its political campaign that the party is a royalist party.

"Some people adopted royalism to propagate their politics. A single party cannot protect the monarchy, but a joint political parties and citizens can,"stated the premier.

The premier added that he did not belong to the royal dynasty, but he is the protector of the monarchy in the framework of a multi-liberal democratic party and a constitutional monarchy.

During a visit to Takeo province on May 27, 2018, President of FUNCINPEC Party Norodom Ranariddh said that the FUNCINPEC Party is adhering to the monarchy and Sihanouk regime and that the regime has made the country prosperous and developed, so if the party is elected, he would improve the lives of the people further.