Phnom Penh (FN), Jul. 5 – One of the unique nations in the world, Japan is able to keep up excellent connections with many other nations, including Cambodia. When we take part in conferences, intellectual discussions, or political gatherings in ASEAN countries, we often hear individuals discussing the US-China competition, the Russia-Ukraine War, India's ascent, and the internal problems facing ASEAN member states.

Japan has been noted as the nation that has received the highest respect from all of the ASEAN countries when people prefer to discuss the US-China Competition in those countries. There isn't a single ASEAN nation that struggles or has ill will against Japan.

Already, seventy-one years have passed since Cambodia and Japan established diplomatic ties. Seventy-one years of age ought to be sufficient for both nations to comprehend one another and learn everything from one another. Japan and Cambodia resumed formal diplomatic ties in January 1953. In 1955, Hirohito, the Japanese Emperor, granted Norodom Sihanouk, the King of Cambodia, the Order of the Chrysanthemum.

Japan is a democratic nation that has helped Cambodia under various regimes and during various circumstances. Even though western nations pressured Japan not to support Cambodia, particularly as Cambodia got ready for the 2017 election, Japan just wants to help Cambodia improve its own circumstances. Japan is aware of Cambodia's political structure and its current state of affairs.

2017 brought many difficulties to Cambodia, including the closure of a well-known newspaper and numerous local radio stations that carried programming from outside the country. That year saw the arrest of Mr. Kem Sokha, the head of the opposition party.

2017 marked a significant turning point for Cambodia, with numerous changes to the country's political landscape and atmosphere. While many Western nations had stopped supporting the government of Cambodia at that point, Japan persisted in its support of the country, offering the National Election Committee of Cambodia a great deal of technical assistance. Western nations did not think that Cambodia could turn things around, and at the time they advised the government of Cambodia to liberate the leader of the opposition party and reopen the newspapers that were seen as the country's symbols of press freedom. The government of Cambodia has just replied to the international community, requesting that it be respected for its sovereignty and the laws that it has just implemented internally.

Japan, a longtime ally of Cambodia and a nation with close ties to the late King Norodom Sihanouk, did not ask the Cambodian government to take any action in lieu of continuing to assist Cambodia in getting ready for the general election. Japan feels that Cambodia ought to be allowed to handle its own domestic issues.

When there are issues or disagreements, Japanese diplomats and ambassadors always endeavor to have face-to-face discussions with the Cambodian government. They are extremely courteous and respectful of each nation's internal matters. Before having a spoken discussion, Japanese diplomats never permit thoughts or suggestions for the Cambodian government to be shared with media. Communicating verbally and in person are crucial for mutual understanding.

Because the Japanese government and people are happy to provide money to support Cambodia, Japan is very beneficial and crucial for Cambodia. Although Japan has the best of intentions when it comes to supporting Cambodia, more of its investments have gone toward Vietnam, Thailand, and even Myanmar than into Cambodia. There must be a problem with you if someone gives you the money but doesn't want to do business with you.

The government of Cambodia ought to investigate domestically to determine the true reasons why Japanese businesses shied away from Cambodia. While there are a few Japanese businesses in Cambodia, they pale in comparison to those in Vietnam and Thailand.

Japan is always the top choice for products among Cambodians. Even though most of the Japanese automobiles in Cambodia are second-hand, people here in Cambodia are happy with them because they think Japanese goods are of excellent quality and Japanese workers are morally upright.

Because Japan is a special nation for Cambodia, both Hun Sen, the former prime minister of Cambodia, and Hun Manet, the current prime minister, have long sought to deepen their positive ties with Japan. Hun Sen has the greatest affection for Japan; noticeably, he has selected Japanese physicians to take care of his eyes, and the Japanese government extended him the warmest welcome when he went to Japan to have his eye treatment. Hun Sen treated Japan as important as his eyes, so Japanese government should know this case and should provide further support for Cambodia.

Hun Sen is likewise a huge fan of Japan, but he chose not to express this love publicly. However, we were able to learn how much he cared for Japan when Cambodia presided over ASEAN in 2022. At that time, Hun Sen was the prime minister of Cambodia and he made a number of forceful statements denouncing North Korea for testing its missiles over Japanese sovereignty and into the sea.

Hun Manet also has a great deal of affection for the Japanese government, but he was unable to express it as he had only recently taken office as prime minister of Cambodia and was working to demonstrate to the world that Cambodia is and will continue to be a friend to many others.

Japan is particularly special to Cambodia because it understands the country, the circumstances, and the political leaders' thinking. As a result, Japan is able to accept the disparities between the two nations and has encouraged Cambodia to progressively strengthen its internal capability. Although it is a little difficult to express, Cambodia adores Japan and is eager for Japan to learn more about its internal issues. Cambodia is grateful for Japan's support across the board and is confident that it will surpass the goals set forth by the Japanese government for Cambodia.

Dr. Seun Sam is a policy analyst of the Royal Academy of Cambodia. All views in this article are his own.