Australia (FN), Jul. 15 – The Federal Court of Australia clarified and granted justice to Cambodian Tycoon Hun To in connection with a case where The Australian published false allegations (referring to them as the Article) against him on 5 August 2022, on its website and in the print edition of its newspaper.

A letter from Thomson Geer, a lawyer for The Australian newspaper in Australia, quoted the decision of the Federal Court of Australia dated 5 July 2024, seen by Fresh News on Monday (Jul. 15).

"The Australian did not intend to suggest that Mr Hun To was guilty of any crimes, or that there was evidence that he had been personally involved in the matters the subject of the Article. We accept Mr Hun To's assurance that he was not involved," the letter continued.

"The Australian has now taken down the Article, issued a clarification in relation to the Article and the proceedings have resolved on a confidential basis," the letter added.

On 5 August 2022, The Australian misrepresented that Hun To was involved in criminal networks such as human trafficking, cyberbullying, and drug trafficking. Following this publication, Hun To, through his lawyer Adam Lopez in Australia, filed a lawsuit against The Australian for justice, seeking to clear his name and have the articles removed and a clarification issued.

Read The Australian’s Clarification: