Phnom Penh (FN), Mar. 30 – Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, which is a Chinese multinational high technology corporation headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China, has maintained its solid business operations in year 2021. After my participation in Huawei 2021 Annual Report Press Conference on 28 March 2021, I realized that it really has done a remarkable performance even under severe geopolitical pressure and pandemic impact.
Huawei is investing massively on research and development, covering broadly from telecommunication equipment, electronics, other smart devices and basic scientific research. Huawei is ranked as the second largest R&D investor in the world by the EU Joint Research Centre (JRC) in the EU 2021 Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, and ranked No. 5 at the United States Patent and Trademark Office according to a report by Fairview Research. Huawei maintains stable performance in ICT infrastructure domain, and obviously achieved its rapid growth in new business domains such as digital power, cloud service, as well as building its own smart device ecosystem. Over 700 cities and 267 Fortune Global 500 companies worldwide have chosen Huawei as their partner for digital transformation.
In summary, there are 4 main points that we can get from Huawei annual report press conference:
1. Huawei's net profit has risen highest and the company has maintained a resilient and flexible financial structure, enabling companies to continue to make future-oriented investments and address the uncertainty of the global economy.
2. Huawei keeps very substantial and intense investment in R&D and have reached the highest level in the last decade from both amount and percentage of the revenue point of view.
3. Huawei maintains stable business operation in the ICT infrastructure business, furthermore, it has got rapid growth in new business domains, such as digital power and cloud service business. Revenue from Huawei Cloud and Digital Power increased by over 30% in 2021.
4. Huawei also invested a lot to ensure Cyber security from different dimensions. More than 70 cyber security certifications were awarded to Huawei, giving its customers internationally recognized security assurances.
As we already know, with the world multipolarization situation, economic globalization, and cultural diversification, ICT technology will play an more important role in the progress of human civilization. At the same time, issues such as unbalanced development, inappropriate regulation and unjust order increasingly emerge in the Internet sector.
The ICT gap between countries and regions has been widened, and the existing rules of Cyberspace is experiencing problems while responding to the needs and interests of most countries. Violations of privacy and intellectual property rights, as well as cybercrime, have often occurred all around the world. Online surveillance, online attacks and online terrorism have become a global crisis. In the face of these crisis and challenges, the international community must enhance dialogue and cooperation in a spirit of mutual respect and trust. We need to promote the transformation of the global Internet governance system, and to work together to promote peace, security, openness and cooperation in the cyberspace, and create a multilateral global Internet governance system that full of democracy and transparency. In this way, Huawei is becoming a leading Hi-tech company not only for China, but also for the other majority part of the world to participate in building more equal and sustainable cyber order, which can guide us to think about global governance evolvement, in addition to the technologies that the company is already providing to us.
Apparently, in the recent courtesy call meeting on the morning of 24 March 2022 at the Peace Palace with Cambodian prime minister Hun Sen, Lin Baifeng, president of Huawei Asia Pacific, said that Huawei's contribution is a part of Cambodia’s digital economy development in various aspects, including developing ICT human resource, bringing the latest technologies to Cambodia and building up digital infrastructure. Huawei respects and supports Cambodia's full sovereignty over data to ensure cyber security and national security. These are also applicable in achieving the policy of building a common destiny community between countries in the world.
Overall, we already know that Huawei is actively participating in the organizations and activities that maintains cyber security and promotes orderly development. Security and development are the two wings of the bird or the two wheels of the cart. Security ensures development and the development is the goal of security. Cyber security poses a global challenge and no country can disconnect or escape these challenges. Huawei's participation in maintaining cyber security is a common responsibility of the international community. Huawei, as well as many other Hi-tech companies, should participate the journey of establishing an Internet governance system, to promote equality and fairness. Because the global Internet governance should be based on multilateral principle, along with the participation from many parties, in which Huawei should be an integral and leading part of the driving force.
Chea Munyrith, President of Cambodian-Chinese Evolution Researcher Association