Phnom Penh (FN), Jun. 6 – Cambodian capital and provincial governors nationwide said that the Cambodia People’s Party swept almost all commune chief seats nationwide, while Candlelight Party get three commune chief seats in Kompong Thom province, and one in Kompong Cham.

Below are the nationwide preliminary results of the 5th mandate communal elections:

1. Phnom Penh: CPP will acquire 105/105 commune chief seats.

2. Tbong Khmum: CPP will acquire 64/64 commune chief seats.

3. Kandal: CPP will acquire 127/127 commune chief seats.

4. Pailin: CPP will acquire 8/8 commune chief seats.

5. Siem Reap: CPP will acquire 100/100 commune chief seats.

6. Bateay Meanchey: CPP will acquire 67/67 commune chief seats.

7. Battambang: CPP will acquire 103/103 commune chief seats.

8. Kompong Cham: CPP will acquire 108/109 commune chief seats while CandleLight Party will acquire 1/109 commune chief seat.

9. Kep: CPP will acquire 5/5 commune chief seats.

10. Kompong Chhnang: CPP will acquire 71/71 commune chief seats.

11. Sihanoukville: CPP will acquire 29/29 commune chief seats.

12. Koh Kong: CPP will acquire 29/29 commune chief seats.

13. Stung Treng: CPP will acquire 24/24 commune chief seats.

14. Kompong Speu: CPP will acquire 88/88 commune chief seats.

15. Kampot: CPP will acquire 93/93 commune chief seats.

16. Svay Rieng: CPP will acquire 80/80 commune chief seats.

17. Ratanakkiri: CPP will acquire 50/50 commune chief seats.

18. Kratie: CPP will acquire 48/48 commune chief seats.

19. Pursat: CPP will acquire 49/49 commune chief seats.

20. Oddar Meanchey: CPP will acquire 24/24 commune chief seats.

21. Mondulkiri: CPP will acquire 21/21 commune chief seats.

22. Prey Veng: CPP will acquire 116/116 commune chief seats.

23. Kompong Thom: CPP will acquire 78/81 commune chief seats while CandleLight Party will acquire 3/81 commune chief seats.

24. Preah Vihear: CPP will acquire 51/51 commune chief seats.

25. Takeo: CPP will acquire 100/100 commune chief seats.