Phnom Penh (FN), Jun. 4 – US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin shared his condolences with Samdech Techo Hun Sen on the passing of Supreme Patriarch Most Venerable Tep Vong.

Cambodian Senate President, Samdech Techo Hun Sen received a courtesy call by Lloyd Austin on Tuesday morning (Jun. 4) at the Senate.

Lloyd Austin thanked Samdech Techo for the warm welcome and expressed his condolences on the passing of Supreme Patriarch Most Venerable Tep Vong. He also offered his condolences for the loss of 20 Cambodian soldiers in military base ammunition explosion.

For his part, Samdech Techo expressed his gratitude for the condolences on the passing of Supreme Patriarch Most Venerable Tep Vong and the Cambodian soldiers.

It should be noted that Supreme Patriarch Most Venerable Tep Vong passed away at Wat Ounalom on 26 February 2024 at 17:40 p.m. at the age of 93.

In this time of mourning, the Royal Government declared 27 February 2024, as an official day of mourning and organised a Royal Funeral Ceremony in accordance with national tradition, honoring the Supreme Patriarch's legacy and highest honor.

The Royal Government also organised a royal procession and cremation of Supreme Patriarch Most Venerable Tep Vong on 3 June 2024, to honor his significant contributions to the nation and religion.