Siem Reap (FN), Jun. 7 – Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet highlighted the significance of adopting a human-centred approach to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advocated for a shift in the attitudes of policymakers, researchers, and private entities.

The premier spoke on Friday (Jun. 7) at the 20th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science, Technology, and Innovation (AMMSTI-20) in Siem Reap.

Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet mentioned the adoption and application of AI should remain within the bounds of ethical consideration and societal values. The general public has expressed fear and concern that their rights and privacy have been infringed by the powerful capability of Al-induced applications.

At the same time, the premier pointed out that without requisite education, skills and continuous engagement, it is nearly impossible now for laymen to differentiate fake news from real one or distinguish artificial generation of graphics from their original ones. In some instance, these developments come at a big cost to the society and government. They put public sentiment and opinion in fragility and could even cause social division, confusion and instability that may hamper social harmony and hard-won peace.

Samdech Thipadei underscored, " Adopting a human-centred approach to the use of AI is of the utmost importance and represents a major shift for policymakers, researchers and private entities. The introduction of Al requires in tandem the development of regulatory frameworks to support its progress by integrating contributions from all relevant stakeholders."

At the same time, the premier said that along with the use of artificial intelligence, we also need to develop a legal framework to support the progress of artificial intelligence with the contribution of all stakeholders.

Lastly, Samdech Thipadei hoped that throughout the week, through in-depth discussions and exchanges, we can put forward practical ideas presented on bilateral and multilateral cooperation to accelerate the development of STI for the benefit of humanity.