MOSCOW (FN), Jul. 4 – On 3 July 2024, journalists from Asian countries, who are participating in the InteRussia Fellowship Programme, took part in the BRICS Civil Forum 2024 in Russia, held on 3-4 July 2024.

BRICS Civil Forum brought together 200 representatives from civil society across all BRICS countries. The primary goal of the Forum is to draft an Address titled "Right for Development: Equality, Equity and Justice" for the upcoming Summit of the Future held under the auspices of the UN General Assembly as well as to present Policy Recommendations drafted by civil society members to the leaders of BRICS countries in line with the official agenda of the Russian BRICS Chairship.

The BRICS Civil Forum serves as a platform for discussion and presentation, enabling civil society members from BRICS nations and inviting global majority countries to deliberate on citizen-proposed priorities for the BRICS agenda and showcase civil initiatives aligned with these priorities.

InteRussia young journalist fellows shared their experience from their participation of the BRICS Civil Forum in Russia this year.

Pallavi Singh Parmar from the United News of India (UNI) news agency stated, “I found the BRICS Civil Forum insightful and informative, as experts from different countries shared their thoughts, knowledge, and experiences on topics such as digital, equitable, and sustainable development. I am grateful to be a part of this brainstorming forum. It provided me with the opportunity to learn from the shared thoughts of people from different countries.”

Another Malaysian fellow currently working as news anchor in Kuala Lumpur Farhana Sheikh said, “The forum provides great insights into how BRICS member states are advancing in various sectors and discussed policy recommendations to better improve economic and social infrastructures for the betterment of all.”

It should be noted that the forum hosted 13 sessions, with more than 80 experts discussing regional and international concerns among BRICS countries.

“I recently attended three sessions, one of which was titled "Vision 2050: Values and Rights of People." It is extremely critical about respect among BRICS countries. As you know, there are many countries with a variety of cultures in the BRICS. So we have to be tolerant with people from different religions and cultures”, said a journalist fellow from Viet Nam.

Session “Vision 2050: Values and Rights of Peoples” discussed that the convergence of BRICS countries should unfold on the basis of a deep understanding of the diverse cultures, mentalities and modes of thinking, traditions, and foundational values of the partner countries. Under contemporary conditions, the human rights advocacy aspects of the overall humanitarian agenda for the BRICS countries are in need of an overhaul and upgrade. A unifying initiative in promoting and defending human rights could become the rights of diverse peoples or the right of solidarity.


BRICS is an acronym for an association of five major emerging economies including, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The organization aims to foster cooperation and dialogue among these countries, which collectively represent a significant portion of the world's population and economic output.

BRICS summits are held annually, where heads of state and government from member countries discuss various issues, including economic cooperation, political coordination, and social development. Additionally, BRICS hosts various ministerial meetings, business forums, and academic conferences. There are BRICS civil society forums, parliamentary and youth forums, and a separate media summit. The agenda of these events covers numerous issues of a financial, scientific, technical, cultural and political nature, according to TV BRICS International Media Network.

The Oxford University Politics Blog reported that China has the group’s largest GDP, valued at USD 16.86 trillion in 2021, while the others rank below three trillion. Combined, the BRICS bloc has a GDP over USD 25.85 trillion in 2022, which is slightly more than the United States. In August 2023, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Argentina, the UAE and Ethiopia were admitted to the forum. Other countries, including Algeria, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Cuba, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Gabon, have expressed interest in joining the forum.

The share of BRICS in the global GDP has reached a record 35.7% in 2023 in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), while at the same time, the economic indicators of the G7 fell to 29%, according to Sputnik calculations based on World Bank data.

About InteRussia

InteRussia is a fellowship programme for non-Russian specialists, which the Gorchakov Fund conducts jointly with lead companies, research centers and Russian media outlets. The programme participants are young foreign representatives who are interested in professional development, willing to develop cooperation with Russia and its specialists, as well as keen on Russian culture.

In 2024, InteRussia organized a fellowship programme for journalism from Asia and SputnikPro within the framework of the “New Generation” program, aimed to develop and deepen public, business and scientific ties between Russia and foreign countries, promote an objective image of transformations in Russian society, expand the number of young active foreign citizens with an impartial perception of Russia and to encourage them to strengthen partner relations between the Russian Federation and the states they represent.

Since 2011, more than 9,200 foreign citizens from 152 countries have taken part in the “New Generation” program and have also visited more than 35 regions of the Russian Federation.