Phnom Penh (FN), Jul. 6 – Japanese Foreign Minister Kamikawa Yoko regarded Cambodian Senate President, Samdech Techo Hun Sen as one of the key players in promoting better Cambodia-Japan relations and cooperation.

Kamikawa Yoko paid a courtesy call on Samdech Techo Hun Sen on Saturday morning (Jul. 6) at the Senate.

The Japanese foreign minister expressed her pleasure and considered the opportunity to meet Samdech Techo a great honor. She recalled meeting with Samdech Techo in 2005.

Kamikawa Yoko praised Samdech Techo for playing a key role in establishing Cambodia-Japan bilateral relations, especially for his significant achievements in elevating their relationship to a higher level.

In addition, she expressed pride in the close bilateral relations between the two nations in multiple fields. She briefed Samdech Techo on her fruitful bilateral talks with the Cambodian prime minister, focusing on new cooperation between Cambodia and Japan and on regional and global issues.

She expressed her desire for Cambodia to continue making steady progress in cooperation in three key areas: (1) water infrastructure, including clean water and wastewater treatment systems; (2) the ever-evolving digital sector, such as 5G and cybersecurity; and (3) maritime connectivity, such as seaport cooperation.

Taking this occasion, the Japanese foreign minister emphasized the importance of the economic sector and expressed a desire to promote Cambodia's economic potential to attract more Japanese investment companies.

She also highlighted Japan's focus on demining and expressed her intention to cooperate with Cambodia, which will host the 5th Review Meeting of the Ottawa Convention on 25-29 November 2024, in Siem Reap.

She informed Samdech Techo that Japan plans to hold an international conference on mine action in Ukraine in Japan in 2025 and requested Cambodia's support. Regarding regional issues, she praised Cambodia and Samdech Techo for their tireless efforts to find a peaceful solution in Myanmar and stressed that Japan attaches great importance to ASEAN unity and continues to support ASEAN in implementing the Five-Point Consensus (5PCs) effectively.

For his part, Samdech Techo Hun Sen expressed his satisfaction to meet the Japanese foreign minister again after 20 years. He also expressed his pleasure at the Japanese foreign minister's visit to Cambodia to review the achievements of bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries since Japan participated in the peace process in the kingdom.

Samdech Techo mentioned that Japan provided significant assistance for Cambodia's growth in many areas, from improving clean water access in the city to enhancing water management in Phnom Penh. Japan has helped build numerous infrastructures, such as National Road No. 5 and National Road No. 1, which are part of the ASEAN Highway.

In addition, Samdech Techo thanked the Japanese government for its contributions to Cambodia's economic growth. He mentioned that he met with many Japanese companies and aimed more Japanese companies to invest in Cambodia.

The Senate president is very proud to cooperate with Japan to achieve a comprehensive strategic partnership in early 2023.

Samdech Hun Sen underlined that despite the change of Prime Minister, Cambodia-Japan relations remain strong and continue to improve. He recalled that during his visit to Tokyo last January for artificial lenses, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio warmly welcomed him, even though he was no longer the Cambodian prime minister.

Samdech Techo regarded Kishida Fumio as an old friend and thanked him for sending a congratulatory message when Samdech became the President of the Senate.

On the occasion, Samdech Techo appreciated the achievements highlighted by the Japanese foreign minister during the meeting.

The Senate president reiterated that Cambodia always supports Japanese initiatives.

Cambodia was the first country to support Japan's Free and Open Indo-Pacific Initiative (FOIP) and has consistently aligned with Japan in international affairs, contributing to peace, stability, and development in the region.

Samdech Techo confirmed that Cambodia will participate in the conference on mine action in Ukraine in the humanitarian field.

Lastly, Samdech Techo requested the Japanese foreign minister to convey his regards to Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, Japanese president of the Senate, and Japanese president of the National Assembly.