Phnom Penh (FN), Jul. 15 – The country that claims to be the world democracy, human rights, and rules of law torchlight holder, has been marred by countless political violences in its modern history, not to mention its tumultuous past.

Half a century ago, President JFK was killed in a political assassination followed by the same killing of his brother as a presidential candidate.

In 1981, Ronal Reagan’s life was attempted to be taken away by the same political hatred motivation.

The same is true for a number of civil rights activists namely Medgar Evars, Martin Luther king Jr., and Malcom X.

Is it because of the unhindered freedom which creates a Frankenstein in the society?

For Cambodia, peace which is the key factor for development, is placed in a driving seat. We value Freedom, human rights, and democracy in a manageable manner; one should not executes one’s own freedom at the expense of others or public orders, or the harmony of society.

Ney Samol, Chief of Information, Research and Analysis Group