Phnom Penh (FN), Oct. 23 – 33 years following the Paris Peace Agreement, Cambodia and its peoples have really enjoyed what they have today, which is so far different from the past Khmer Rouge regime.

On October 23, 2024, we celebrate this historic day, bringing an end to internal disputes, restoring national unification, liberal multi-party democracy with the promotion of human rights and a constitutional monarchy.

A record of today achievement has been derived from great merits and the first historic meeting between the Late King Father Norodom Sihanouk and Samdech Techo Hun Sen at FERE-EN-TARDENOIS on December 2-4, 1987 and the latter at SAINT-GERMAIN-EN-LAYE, December 20-21, 1988 in the Republic of France.

Both national heroes put in enormous efforts to seek for national unity before the Paris Peace Agreement was signed on October 23, 1991 by the four parties in conflict and by the 19 signatory states.

After the 1993 election, those countries completed their mission while the Kingdom of Cambodia also became a sovereign state on the international fora as Mr. Jean David Levitte, former senior diplomat of French Foreign Ministry who was involved in the peace negotiation process for the protracted conflict in Cambodia mentioned during his visit to Cambodia in October 2016.

The same as what he highlighted in his statement, some opposition parties and civil societies should stop repeating the roles of the signatory countries.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen is the only peace founder, ensuring these heritages in particular the guarantee of peace which is the foundation of human rights and national development for the next generation and todays Samdech Thepadey Hun Manet is featured another key leader to navigate Cambodia at a remarkable progress.

Article 15 of the Paris Peace Agreement states that all persons in Cambodia and all Cambodian refugees and displaced persons shall enjoy the rights and freedoms embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant international human rights instruments.

These contents are also listed in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Chapter 3 on the Rights and Duties of Citizens (Articles 31 to 50), which stipulate five basic rights namely, civil rights, political rights, economic rights, social rights and cultural rights.

Article 31 of the Constitution states that The Kingdom of Cambodia recognizes and respects human rights as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all treaties and conventions related to human rights, women's rights and children's rights." Khmer citizens are equal before the law, enjoying the same rights, liberties and duties regardless of race, color, sex, language, beliefs, religions, political tendencies, birth origin, social status, wealth or other situations. The exercise of such rights and liberties shall be in accordance with the law.

In this spirit, no one can reject this truth while all the rights of the Cambodian people are guaranteed by the Constitution under the shade of peace.

Yet, if we look at the war in Gaza, Mr. Didier Fassin, professor at Princeton and professor at a French secondary school said on October 13, 2024 that the Western world will have no more lessons on human rights to give to the rest of the world.

Thank October 23 - Thank Peace!

Why Thank Peace?

The word “Thank Peace!” has been solemnly applauded by the Cambodian people both locally and externally, as well as the people of the world, and particularly in 2023, Mr. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General has launched a phrase "New Agenda for Peace" outlining the vision of how the international community can prevent conflict and make peace more sustainably effective while the world is experiencing unprecedented and severe crises. According to the website of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on September 19, 2023, "New Agenda for Peace" focuses on five points as follows:

- in an increasingly fragmented world, we need to rebuild trust, solidarity and accountability. Platforms like the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and State Building (IDPS) can help;
- Supporting national ownership of prevention is more critical than ever;
- New solutions require a new voice at the decision-making table;
- inclusivity is paramount for peace to be achievable and sustainability;
- Prevention Should be a universal goal for every country, not just those experiencing conflict.

Whether this vision is effective or the UN is a coward (l'ONU est un machin), the famous message of Mr. Charles De Gaule, former French president, spoke at a press conference on September 10, 1960.

Every year, the United Nations convenes the general assembly in New York where the heads of state, government, and foreign ministers take turns to deliver their respective speeches.

What did Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, say on September 27, 2024 during the time his country is at war against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip and in the Middle East?

He strongly criticized the silence of the international community and blamed UN member states for not adequately condemning the actions of Hamas and Hezbollah, which he considered a serious threat to regional peace. he alleged that this silence or neutral attitude of those UN member states is tantamount to a form of tolerance for terrorism, affecting global security and the security of Israel in particular.

The author really wonders why Benjamin Netanyahu dared to use these aggressive tones, blaming those participating countries and they just sat and quietly listened to his blames, or because Israel has a big brother " the United States " behind?

No one could really believe that the war between Israel and Hamas could erupt like this as Israel has only had peace for 50 years sharp since October 7, 1973. On October 7, 2023, half a century later, the war broke out while Israel citizens, especially youths, were celebrating its Independence Day, dancing in a confident atmosphere with an enjoyable holiday. Hamas arbitrarily and brutally killed Israeli youths, raped Israeli women, violently thrown babies and held many Israeli people hostage.

For more than two years, the war between Russia and Ukraine has erupted at the gates of Europe, bringing about the unity of the 27 EU member states since the flames of war have spread next to its countries and the war will surely spread to their homes if no solution is in place.

We are currently unaware of when the abovementioned conflict can come into an end and how far it will spread out, and whether or not World War III will materialize. No one can foresee the future clearly but what we see right now is that there exists a genuine peace, a hard-won peace through enormous and innumerable sacrifices to be absolutely maintained.

Thank Peace!

The views of individuals with ill-intent, or those who did not experience the great catastrophe occurring in Cambodia in the 20th century, along with those who publicly express their disapproval and criticize the appreciation of peace, claiming that Cambodia has been at peace since the late 1998, reflects a sentiment much like the Khmer proverb which goes:

“For lovers, even river water tastes sweet; For haters, even sugarcane is sour.”

Editorial by KARL.