Phnom Penh (FN), Mar. 5 – Cambodian Banana Agricultural Co., Ltd. henceforth referred to as CBA Company hereby categorically denies and rejects the public notice issued by Green Island Agricultural Development (Cambodia) Limited, henceforth referred to as Green Island Company, dated 04 March 2025. The notice wrongfully alleges CBA Company of being responsible for the incident of a dead cow found at CBA Company’s banana farm on 28 February 2025. Additionally, it includes baseless allegations intended to defame and cause grave misunderstandings about CBA Company among the public.
According to the clarification letter seen by Fresh News on Wednesday (Mar. 5), CBA Company would like to clarify the following to the public:
1. Regarding the incident of a dead cow found at the banana farm location of CBA Company the company has already issued a clarification statement on 05 March 2025, and is currently awaiting the results of the investigation by the authorities.
2. CBA Company has not unlawfully occupied any land concessions belonging to Green Island Company, nor has it engaged in any illegal activities such as “using firearms to kill animals, illegal logging, or forceful eviction” as falsely claimed in the public notice by Green Island Company. It is important to note that there are ongoing legal disputes between CBA Company and Green Island Company, which arose from Green Island Company’s failure to fulfill its contractual obligations. These disputes are currently being addressed by CBA Company through legal proceedings as follows:
• The case involving a loan amount of USD 4,479,200 (four million four hundred seventy-nine thousand two hundred US dollars), where CBA Company was the lender and Green Island Company was the borrower. This case was brought by CBA Company before the Phnom Penh Court of First Instance on 08 September 2021. The court processed the legal procedures and issued judgment No. 628 “ស” on 03 April 2024, ruling that Green Island Company shall repay the loan amount of USD 4,479,200 (four million four hundred seventy-nine thousand two hundred US dollars) along with interests and compensation for punitive damages to CBA Company.
• Regarding the banana planting cooperation agreement signed on 27 March 2021, between CBA Company and Green Island Company over an area of 2,500 (two thousand five hundred) hectares, Green Island Company breaches during its internal disputes, which intentionally aimed to disrupt the investment and development processes of CBA Company. To protect its legitimate interests and the interests of more than 1,000 (one thousand) workers employed at the banana farm, CBA Company initiated legal action in the Kratie Provincial Court on 01 December 2021, against Green Island Company. The lawsuit demands that Green Island Company fulfill its obligations under the banana planting cooperation agreement, dated 27 March 2021, and seeks compensation for damages and punitive damages. This case was registered under case No. 124, dated 01 December 2021. The proceedings started but were later transferred by the Tboung Khmum Court of Appeal from the Kratie Provincial Court to the Phnom Penh Court of First Instance. Currently, this case is registered under case No. 1260, dated 04 July 2023, of the Phnom Penh Court of First Instance and is in the preparatory proceedings for oral arguments.
Please also note that CBA Company is an investment company in the agro-industry sector, primarily focused on growing and exporting yellow bananas to foreign countries. Through its investments, CBA Company has created and provided over a thousand job opportunities to Cambodian citizens, particularly allowing local families (parents, children, spouses working together) to receive high income, as well as providing accommodations and food, and also taking into account the safety of the citizens (workers) by paying contributions to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), providing ease for the local population without the necessity to migrate for employment.
Through clear and precise clarifications, supported by accurate and specific information as described above, it is evident that CBA Company is a legally compliant investment company. It operates its business with strict adherence to all applicable regulations and collaborates with the Cambodian government to foster national economic growth. By creating thousands of jobs for Cambodian citizens and exporting agricultural products internationally, CBA Company contributes significantly to the local economy. This stands in contrast to the various accusations, especially those mentioned in the public notice by Green Island Company dated 04 March 2025.
CBA Company reserves the right to legally protect its interests by taking appropriate legal actions against any individuals who maliciously defame, incite, or harm the company’s reputation and interests.